Case study

  • Date:
    January 2018
  • Category:
    Lost money


Mr C applied for a crisis grant in order to obtain food, gas and electricity. The applicant and his partner received a joint Employment and Support Allowance claim. The applicant had withdrawn their fortnightly benefits in cash and had lost a significant amount of this money.

The council refused the application on the basis that the applicant’s partner had made two applications for lost money within the past 18 months. They did not change their decision at first tier.

 We disagreed with the council’s decision. Section 7.22 of the guidance states that, “Where a person is part of a couple, each partner can receive three grants in a 12 month rolling period” and we noted that the applicant had only received one award in 12 months and on that occasion lost money was not a factor. We determined that the council’s decision to take account of the applicant’s partner’s previous applications, and to look back over the previous 18 months was not a reason supported by the guidance. We therefore upheld the review request and instructed the council to make an award of £170.00.

Updated: July 17, 2019