Case study

  • Date:
    March 2020
  • Category:
    Where we have asked the council to reconsider the application


Ms C applied for a community care grant for a number of household items.

The council awarded some of the items requested, however, they were on the ‘High Most Compelling’ (HMP) priority rating when they made their original decision. This meant that some items, which would normally be awarded had the council had been on the ‘high’ priority rating, were not awarded as they did not meet the higher threshold for HMP. They upheld this decision following Ms C’s first tier review.

We considered the facts and circumstances of the case and noted there had been a priority change back to ‘high priority’. We had a discussion with the council over section 5.10 of the SWF guidance and pointed out that the level of priority used should be the priority level in place at the time the decision was made, unless a change has been made to the benefit of the applicant (e.g. a lower priority level is now in place). On this basis, the council were happy reconsider the case under the new priority rating. Ms C was advised that she could still ask for an independent review if she remained dissatisfied following the council’s reconsideration of the case.

Updated: March 18, 2020