Case study

  • Date:
    January 2018
  • Category:
    Meeting the need


Ms C applied to the council for a crisis grant for living expenses as she had lost her job and had made a new application for Job Seekers Allowance. She was awaiting her first payment and had no funds available.
The council considered that her application met the eligibility and qualifying criteria and that her request for living expenses met high priority. They made an award for 14 days at the householder rate as the duration of her crisis was unknown (s7.8 of the guidance). They did not change this amount at first tier review.

Ms C applied to the SPSO for a review of the council's decision. We took into account all the relevant facts and circumstances, including that while Ms C had spent some of the grant on travel expenses, the award letter had been clear about what the grant was to be spent on and the duration. We also considered that the award was for the correct duration given that the duration of the crisis was unknown. While s7.24 sets out the rates that should normally be used, the council should take the circumstances of the applicant into account if there are extra needs which would mean more than the suggested rates should be awarded (covered in s7.24 of the guidance). However we noted that Ms C does not suffer from any ill health and we were not made aware of any other issues which would require extra expenditure. We were therefore satisfied that the award from the council was fair and reasonable and did not uphold Ms C's review request.

Updated: July 17, 2019