Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Priority curtains Mr C, who works for a housing charity, requested an independent review on behalf of his client (Mr A) October 2018 Upheld
Change of circumstances within 28 days Mr C applied for a crisis grant as he had no funds for gas or electricity after repaying money to an illegal money lender towards debts he owed September 2018 Upheld
Definition of an emergency Mr C applied for a crisis grant as he was having deductions from his Universal Credit (UC) and also incurred a bank charge September 2018 Upheld
Low income Ms C applied for a crisis grant after both she and her partner lost their jobs unexpectedly September 2018 Upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants Mr C applied for a crisis grant for food and living expenses as he had no money for food for his family until his next benefit payment September 2018 Not upheld
Ongoing feature of expenditure Mr C, a welfare rights officer applied on behalf a Mr A, a European Economic Area national whose benefits claim had been stopped due to a missed meeting September 2018 Upheld
Meeting the need Miss C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses after her tax credits were suspended and she had no money for food and living expenses September 2018 Upheld
Inconsistencies/ Reason to doubt Mr C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses after his employer terminated his employment while he was signed unfit to work, and awaiting the first payment benefit September 2018 Not upheld
Definition of an emergency Mr C applied for a crisis grant. He had received a benefit payment but had used the majority of this payment giving money to his mother and buying clothes. September 2018 Upheld
Definition of an emergency Mr C asked the SPSO to review the council's decision to refuse him a crisis grant September 2018 Upheld