Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Change of circumstances within 28 days Mr C requested an independent review of the council's decision on his crisis grant application July 2018 Not upheld
Inconsistencies/ Reason to doubt Ms C applied for a crisis grant having lost a purse containing a month’s Universal Credit while shopping July 2018 Not upheld
Entitlement to SWF for people from abroad Mr C, applied for a crisis grant on behalf of Ms A, requesting money for food and living expenses July 2018 Upheld
Inconsistencies/ Reason to doubt Mr C applied to the council for a crisis grant July 2018 Upheld
Definition of an emergency Ms C applied to the SWF for a crisis grant for food and essentials July 2018 Upheld
Definition of an emergency Mr C applied for a crisis grant for food and living expenses July 2018 Upheld
Priority hall carpets Ms C applied for a community care grant for a hall carpet July 2018 Not upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants Mr C applied for a crisis grant as he had lost his money after withdrawing all of it in one go July 2018 Not upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants Ms C applied for a crisis grant for assistance with living expenses July 2018 Upheld
Meeting the need Ms C, who had two children, one under 16 and one over, had applied for a crisis grant for food, gas and electricity July 2018 Upheld