Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Access to alternative support Mr C applied for a crisis grant for living expenses as he was waiting on the DWP updating his claim from a joint to a single claim August 2018 Not upheld
Definition of an emergency Mr C applied for a crisis grant as he had received his Personal Independence Payment (PIP) but had spent this August 2018 Upheld
Common medical conditions with respect to priority Ms C applied for a community care grant for a number of household items August 2018 Upheld
Meeting the need Miss C applied to the fund as she had experienced an infestation of bed bugs which had meant she had to remove a number of household items August 2018 Upheld
Change of circumstances within 28 days Ms C applied for a crisis grant as she had recently been made homeless and was sleeping rough August 2018 Upheld
Entitlement to SWF for people from abroad Mr A, who is a European Economic Area (EAA) national, applied for a crisis grant as he had stopped working due to illness August 2018 Upheld
Meeting the need Mr A applied for a crisis grant as he was waiting on a Tax Credits appeal August 2018 Not upheld
Priority washing machines for single people Mr C applied for a Community Care Grant for a washing machine August 2018 Upheld
Change of circumstances within 28 days Mr C requested an independent review of the council's decision on his crisis grant application July 2018 Not upheld
Inconsistencies/ Reason to doubt Ms C applied for a crisis grant having lost a purse containing a month’s Universal Credit while shopping July 2018 Not upheld