Case summaries

Subject Month / Year Outcome
Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion C applied for a community care grant for a number of household items. May 2021 Upheld
Exceptional pressure qualifying criterion C asked for an independent review of the council's decision. May 2021 Upheld
Decision making with limited information C asked for an independent review of the council’s decision. April 2021 Upheld
Decision making with limited information C requested an independent review of the council's decision on their crisis grant application. April 2021 Upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants C requested an independent review of the council's decision about their crisis grant application. March 2021 Not upheld
Exceptional circumstances for crisis grants C had applied to the council's SWF team for a crisis grant in order to obtain food, gas and electricity. March 2021 Upheld
Applications impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic C had applied to the council's SWF team for a crisis grant in order to obtain food, gas and electricity. February 2021 Upheld
Applications impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic C requested an independent review of the council's decision on their crisis grant application. February 2021 Upheld
Failure to take into account health conditions C requested an independent review on behalf of their sibling-in-law (A). January 2021 Upheld
Failure to take into account health conditions C had applied to the council for a community care grant for a number of household items including flooring and white goods. January 2021 Upheld